Residential Retrofit assessment platform and demonstrations for near zero energy and CO2 emissions with optimum coST, health, comfort and environmental quality.
A series of progress and task focused meetings have been organised during the first year of the project. Workshop activities have helped coordinating the partners’ work!
Kick off meeting in London on 9-10/1/2018, hosted by Brunel University

Kick off meeting in London on 9-10/1/2018, hosted by Brunel University

Kick off meeting in London on 9-10/1/2018, hosted by Brunel University

1st progress meeting in Cork

Kick off meeting in London on 9-10/1/2018, hosted by Brunel University

EPIQR-Training in Lausanne

Kick off meeting in London on 9-10/1/2018, hosted by Brunel University

Progress meeting in Vienna

ReCO2ST methodology
To successfully achieve the ambitious environmental and economic objectives of the ReCO2ST project and enable sustainability assessment to be part of the retrofit approach, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) are conducted as part of the project. As a module of the RAT platform, LCA will enable to assess the environmental performance and bring in environmental considerations at an early stage of the retrofit process. To be fully compatible with the other modules of the RAT platform, especially with the list of refurbishment works of the EPIQR module, a large part of the work conducted over the first year of the project aimed at developing the LCA module structure and aligning it with the EPIQR module.
ReCO2ST demo sites

The ReCO2ST methodology will be implemented in four demo sites located in Vevey-Switzerland, Cadiz-Spain, London-UK and Frederikshavn-Denmark. During the first year of the project preparations have started for the retrofit solutions. Pre-intervention monitoring of internal environmental conditions has started in the UK demo building in November 2018. Measurements include thermal comfort and indoor air quality indicators. Occupant feedback is sought through an app which can be downloaded in their mobile devices.


Indoor environment indicators' monitoring in the UK demo site

The Swiss demo site in Vevey is in deep transformation. Heavy works are ongoing since July at a satisfying pace. Thanks to the architect! Outdoor, the thermal insulation has been fixed to external walls and new balconies are now visible. Indoor extraction hose installed for the future single flow mechanical ventilation with humidity-controlled regulation. The attic, where the aeroPlant™ technology will be tested, is full of promises.


Renovation works in the Vevey demo site - view of the attic

ReCO2ST technologies

Big strides forward at alchemia-nova with the development of a second prototype of the aeroPlant™ decentralised unit. The "conservatory solution" also saw a transformation into a more compact and custom fit version called GreenCasetta™, better suited to the space constrains of the target building. Plenty of interest shown so far for the installation of these nature-based technologies at the demonstration sites!


Nature based solutions from alchemia-nova

Va-Q-tec AG is developing a new generation of high performance vacuum insulation panels, using a new open pore, lightweight and rigid foam core inside a hybrid multi-layered PET envelope.


VIP developed by VA-Q-tec

Testing of the ventilated window developed by Horn has started at Aalborg University.


PCM heat exchanger component of the Integrated smart window

ReCO2ST innovation journey, next stop: Customers!
In the first 12 months of the project, CORE laid out the innovation roadmap of the project and completed a first market analysis and customer segmentation. The ReCO2ST results were refined with input from all partners and the value proposition of the complete ReCO2ST offering was designed. Additionally and in order to protect the project results, IP issues were addressed and discussed with the consortium. A roadmap for the joint exploitation of the results, leading to a Joint Venture agreement was presented in the M12 meeting in Vienna.
Since ReCO2ST targets the highly diverse and fragmented market of building renovations, it is important to understand its potential customers. To achieve this, CORE designed and carried out the “Innovation actions and how to reach our ReCO2ST customers” workshop in Vienna, on December 4th, with the participation of all ReCO2ST partners. Six customer personas were identified:
1. Owner/Tenant
2. Large residential buildings owner (merged with Public authorities)
3. Renovation Contractor
4. Property Manager for Real Estate agency
5. Energy analyst
6. Buildings Expert
Each one incorporates a potential ReCO2ST customer group with similar characteristics. For every persona the participants identified their needs, their behaviors and the frustrations they face with the current offerings. Furthermore the possible ReCO2ST use and the added value for each persona was discussed.
Kick off meeting in London on 9-10/1/2018, hosted by Brunel University

Workshop organised by CORE during the meeting in Vienna for the definition of the customer personas

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This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under
Grant Agreement No 768576
© 2018 ReCO2ST Program. All Rights Reserved
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