Residential Retrofit assessment platform and demonstrations for near zero energy and CO2 emissions with optimum coST, health, comfort and environmental quality.
ReCO2ST demo sites’ news


In July 2020 the cool roof membrane was applied to half the roof of one of the blocks in the demo building.  The cool roof will be monitored to study the impact on internal thermal conditions in the bedrooms of the top floor in comparison to the rooms on the same floor without cool roof.


Application of the cool roof material on the roof of the demo building in London


Almost one year after a full operation of the ReCO2st demo site in Switzerland, we can account the real performance of its photovoltaic installation.

The building until the 4th of December 2020, consumed 29 MWh for its 17 dwellings and produced 22 MWh exactly as predicted. It produces 76% of its total electricity consumption. On yearly basis, the building consumes 50% of the produced electricity to cover 38% of its needs and exports the other half. During a fully sunny day, the building produces much more than it consumes. The fully sunny day of 24th of June 2020 produced 133.1 kWh for 93.7 kWh electricity consumption.

The electricity supplier proposed the constitution of a community of self-consumers, proposing better price for the produced solar electricity in the building. All tenants are participating and benefit from lower cost renewable energy.

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Near the 96 standard PV panels of the Swiss case study Brunnel University tests an innovative concentration PV solar collector. Flourentzos Flourentzou, Estia, is collecting the data to send for analysis and comparison of the real production of the prototype and compare it with the real production of the standard panels.


The demo site in Cadiz enters the 2nd phase of rehabilitation that includes its energy retrofit!
On Wednesday October 27, 2020 the Councilor for Housing of the Cádiz City Council, Eva Tubío, visited the worksite. Representatives of the University of Cádiz (UCA) and the municipal housing company (Procasa), and the councils of the Environment, Urban Planning and Energy Transition were present in the visit.
Training courses in energy management are planned to be given to future tenants of the houses, so that they take full advantage of the possibilities that the building will offer.

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Site visit at the demo building in Cadiz.

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The layout of the ventilated roof at the ReCO2STdemo site in Cadiz is being defined.

ReCO2ST Technologies


Alchemia nova´s nature-based AeroPlant unit developed under the ReCO2ST project was presented at the exhibition "How will we live tomorrow?" which was part of the interim presentation of the International Building Exhibition Vienna 2022. The exhibition offered a complete overview of the current projects and processes for implementing innovative new developments in the field of social housing. .

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Alchemia Nova's Aeroplant at the International Building Exhibition Vienna 2022.

ReCO2ST Video

The 2nd ReCO2ST video has been released and can be viewed on our YouTube channel. This video presents the ReCO2STmethodology, its implementation through the refurbishment assessment platform and the associated advantages.

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ReCO2ST Publications

The ReCO2ST publication list has grown in the last six months! Our publications can be accessed from the Library section of our website:

Latest activities

6th Progress Meeting

On 24-25 November 2020, the 6th ReCO2STprogress meeting took place online.
ReCO2SThas entered its final period and is preparing to share its developments with the future users of the ReCO2ST solutions!
Three workshops were held among the consortium to discuss the ReCO2ST training activities and accreditation model, the ReCO2ST business model kit and the promotion of the integrated renovation platform. Interesting results are expected form an early adopter site in Fribourg where the ReCO2ST business model kit and the renovation assessment tool will be implemented.
The whole ReCO2ST consortium is excited for entering this new phase! .

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6th progress meeting, online

ReCO2ST Special Session in Advanced Building Skins Conference

On 27 October 2020, under strict measures, ReCO2ST held a special session at the Advanced Building Skins Conference in Bern. The special session topic was “Innovative Approaches to Building Refurbishment”.
Innovative technologies proposed for building refurbishment, including cooling evaporative roofs, vacuum insulation panels, smart windows and kinetic façade systems were presented. The special session was also an opportunity to discuss new concepts for building retrofit and especially for ReCO2ST to present the least cost methodology for refurbishment assessment.
The papers presented in the conference can be found on our Library.

reco2st platform

Under strict measures, ReCO2ST held a special session at the Advanced Building Skins Conference on 27 October 2020, in Bern (

Cluster Workshop at Sustainable Places Conference

On 30 October at the Sustainable Places Conference ReCO2ST participated in the workshop “Innovative solutions supporting the NZEB renovation of the EU residential buildings, contributing to the renovation wave”.
The workshop was co-organised with the H2020 Projects REZBUILD, RenoZEB, StepUP and DRIVE 0, with the purpose to highlight how the Renovation Wave initiative can be boosted through structured and holistic approaches and with the use of specifically developed innovative solutions which will support and accelerate the NZEB renovation in Europe.
The first part of the workshop included an introduction by Eleftherios Bourdakis, Policy Officer at DG R&I: An overview of the European Renovation wave. The second part was an interactive Panel Discussion formed around five topics: Barriers to renovation, Construction 4.0, Upskilling/Job creation, Stakeholder Engagement and Green Policy.
The event is available to watch:

Upcoming activities

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This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under
Grant Agreement No 768576
© 2018 ReCO2ST Program. All Rights Reserved
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